Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 30, gummy worms, & chex mex, oh my!

Well, I just finished 30 days of a Paleo-ish diet.  The -ish occurred in the last half of the diet mainly on the weekends and crash and burned today.  Well, it happens.  I'm not going to beat myself up.  I haven't weighed yet...well, not really.  I went to the doctor and I had to look when I got on the scale.  Not exactly the number I was looking for but I wasn't naked either.  I haven't weighed since and don't feel like weighing today.  There was an incident with a honey croissant at California Dreaming, gummy bears at the end of the day, and chex mix after cross fit.  I broke my cardinal rule of not letting myself get hungry.  I'm famished and hoping that Marcus will bring food home.  I probably will continue the bad decisions today.  You read this blog for the honesty right?  Good! Then you understand :)

So, what now?  Well, eating clean 80% of the time is the plan.  I will keep the sugar, grains, and dairy at a minimum but I won't get crazy.  Maybe I'll stay off the scale more.  Maybe I'll only get on it each week instead of each day, who knows? 

Sorry the blog kind of sputtered out at the end....this go round was not as good as round 1.  Round 3?? Oh, not for awhile.

Until next time....

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Confessions Part Deux

This weekend was a little different than last in that I planned to go off the plan.  While I did cheat quite a bit I still feel like it wasn't out of control.  On Saturday, I had my normal breakfast smoothie and headed off to crossfit.  Lunch was in Clayton where I had a salad and split pork nachos with Jess.  OH, and the girl scouts were there so we HAD to buy some cookies :)  I went for the shortbread cookies because Marcus likes them.  Before we left lunch we HAD to taste the cookies to make sure they were up to par and we didn't need to exchange them. 

For dinner, we headed to the chili cook off in Highlands, NC.  To quote Amanda, the scene was a mix of a senior citizen's home and an old western.  Nonetheless, there was chili and CORNBREAD! We learned a very good lesson at the cook off.  One should only TASTE each chili and then decide which one they would like to eat instead of eating the entire sample bowl of chili.  We had so much chili we were all miserable.  We felt so stuffed that we couldn't move.  I don't think I've ever felt that full.  I didn't think I could even fit water in after the hot chili.  Unfortunately, Brandie's chili (the Blue Elephant Consignment Studio's) did not win the cook off.  Maybe next year guys!

After the cook off, we pressed on to the Ugly Dog Pub where Brandie's husband's cousin's band was playing.  It was a fun place.  Somehow, we found room to fit a couple of warm chocolate chip cookies and ice cream in our full bellies.  It must've been miraculous.  The cookies didn't become uncomfortable until we started dying laughing at one poor woman's wardrobe malfunction.  A group of ladies in their 40s were apparently out on a girls night of their own.  They were sitting at the table beside us.  They were all nicely dressed.  One lady had on jeans and a tucked in white oxford shirt.  She looked very put together.  Then she squatted down to get something out of her purse and it happened....her black thong underwear revealed itself as her white shirt was apparently tucked into it.  When she stood back up, the thong, with shirt tucked in, was half way up her back.  I wish I had a picture.  It was priceless.  We probably should've told her right then and there, but we figured that one of her 6 friends would.  Before they could, she headed full steam ahead to the dance floor where she started dancing with thong showing in front of everyone.  The mystery to me is how the thong had ridden that far up and did not become uncomfortable.  Amanda was laughing so hard she almost fell out the booth.  Finally, 2 of the woman's friends escorted her off the dance floor and fixed her wardrobe.  She seemed unshaken.  Not bothered a bit.  Good for her!  That might have been the highlight of the weekend.

Yesterday was pretty relaxed.  I went to meet Cassie and the bridal party to try on bridesmaid dresses.  We had a lot of fun.  After a couple of hours we finally found a dress that didn't make me look like a boy with my small chest and also was flattering for the larger chests.  I wish I could share details of the process of finding said dress, but I'll leave that to a personal conversation.  When I got home, Marcus and I went to sit with Nanny at her new digs and then headed to Mellow Mushroom for dinner.  Yes, my cheat day was only supposed to be Saturday, but I felt like finishing the weekend off right.  Marcus and I split a pizza and it was delicious.  Just to make sure I finished it off right officially, I had girl scout cookies when I got home.  Never fear, the rest of the box of cookies is now safely in the office breakroom where I expect them to be devoured by lunch time.

I have to be completely honest with you, although I thoroughly enjoy my cheat days, I will tell you that I do not feel well after I cheat.  I don't sleep well and the next day I just feel off.  Moral of the story, indulging is good in the moment and maybe for 5 minutes after, but the repercussions far outweigh the brief high you may get.  I feel like I need to eat extra clean today so I feel well enough for crossfit tonight.  Today is day 22, only 8 days left.  They should be clean ones.  We shall see.

Until tomorrow....

Friday, March 8, 2013

Holding strong on the slippery slope

Day 19!!! Wow, this time is going a lot faster than last time.  Last time I felt the need to take 2 melatonin every night at 8:00 just so I would go to sleep and not put anything else in my mouth.  This time it feels more like a lifestyle.  Ok, let's be honest, I haven't been as hard core this time.  I've slipped (and continue to slip) several times.  But, in general, I still feel in control of my situation.

Last night, Dad and I went to the UGA v. KY basketball game in Athens.  It was a great night.  I left work early and came home and made a smoothie so I wouldn't be so hungry at dinner.  We went to Farm 255.  It was a hip (hippie) restaurant.  Lots of bizarre things on the menu.  We played it safe.  I had the butternut squash soup with chorizo with a winter citrus salad (with blood oranges!!!).  Dad stuck with the farm burger.  It looked pretty good.  Actually, the fries looked pretty good.  I'm not usually a fry kind of girl, but when you can't have fries, they look pretty yummy.  I cheated a bit.  Dad got a beer so I decided to indulge in a cider they had on draught.  Crisp, refreshing, and worth it.  I was surprisingly satisfied by my soup/salad/beer combo.  I had an emergency apple and paper towel (I'm a messy apple eater) buried in my purse in case I got hungry during the game, but I never got hungry.  It was nice.  The Dawgs won and it was an exciting game.  Both UGA and KY have young teams.  We had some good shooters and foul shots played into the win.  The crowd was energized and we got to see Coach Richt and Coach Dooley while they were enjoying the game.  It was a great night.

Today, I woke up late (well, I got home late) and didn't have time to make my smoothie.  Plus, we were out of bananas.  I settled for trail mix for the 3rd morning in a row.  I compensated with an apple with cashew butter and honey around 10:00.  I met Kara for lunch at Zaxby's (I really felt like testing myself) around 11:30.  I was late to that too.  I kind of cheated with a grilled chicken Caesar salad with buffalo sauce on the side.  However, I promptly removed the cheese and croutons (good girl).  It was actually very good.  Luckily, Kara had a salad too so I wasn't tempted by any fries or worse, Zax sauce - which I could drink.  It probably wasn't a good idea that I went out for lunch.  I got to enjoy the sun and warm temperatures.  I opened the sunroof and listened to country music on the way there and the way back.  I was in heaven.  I think I've had a bad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) so today's weather was just what the doctor ordered.  Unfortunately, when I returned to work, I was a little less than motivated.  Luckily, I have an awesome boss who let me take the afternoon off to enjoy the weather.  (Thank you Scott even though you're not on Facebook). 

After work, I got in a 4 mile run that was just lovely.  I enjoyed every minute.  I listened to my new Pandora workout station - Country Fitness, which by the way is just Country music.  Nonetheless, it made me smile, run faster, and feel proud to be an American - where at least I know I'm free.  After the run I went by to see my Nanny in her new digs.   Nanny loves DQ (Dairy Queen).  I stopped and got her a blizzard.  To make it through the drive through without losing it, I ate an apple and trail mix.  I clearly love Nanny a lot to put myself through the fire like this.  I barely made it out.

As if I was Jesus being tempted by Satan himself in the wilderness, Marcus sent me text to say we were meeting some people to eat at La Parrilla.  Good Lord!! Zaxby's, DQ, and now La Parrilla.  How much more of this could I take???  Cheese dip was calling my name!! Get thee behind me Satan!  I am proud to say that I sat at La Parrilla for over 2 hours and did not indulge in a single chip or a drop of cheese dip.  I had the skirt steak with Pinto beans (beans, so shoot me) and.......2 margaritas.  Ok, ok, the margaritas are definitely not Caveman approved; however, I'm sure if available they would have totally approved.  I'm sorry, it was margaritas or a non-stop fist to mouth cheese dip/chip fest.  I think I made the right decision.  I made it out. 

Tomorrow, as stated earlier this week, I will be cheating.  I'm getting together with the girls and there's just no way I'm not cheating.  It's a planned thing so I still feel in control.  I'm sure it will be super bad so I will not be sharing all of my cheats. I promise to share a few.  Maybe it will only involve the chili from the chili cook off.  Who knows? 

Until tomorrow....or maybe Sunday.....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Slacker McSlackerson

Is it bad that I don't know what day it is?  Ok, if Monday was day 15, today must be day 17.  Officially over the hump.  I haven't blogged lately and I've been a little loosey goosey with my food.  I haven't fallen off the wagon per se, but little things have definitely slipped in.  Not ideal, but realistic.  I've continued to eat beans...specifically in Wendy's chili.  Today, I had the chicken soup at Frontera.  The soup is fine except that there is rice in it.  Now, on the other hand, I didn't have a single chip and I watched Nova eat her cheese nachos without falling apart.  I think a little rice will be ok.  Also, I'm planning to cheat this Saturday because it's our girls night in Clayton.  Again, not ideal, but it's life.  I'm not going to be miserable.

Tomorrow should be tough.  Dad and I have tickets to the UGA / Kentucky basketball game in Athens.  I gave Dad the tickets for Christmas.  We prefer going to the ACC tournament, but it's in Greensboro this year so we'll settle for my Dawgs.  I'll have to plan my snacks ahead of time so I won't be tempted by the game food.  We plan on eating dinner in Athens before the game.  So many good places to eat in Athens.  I think we are going to try Farm 255.  Fresh, local, food.  Surely something a caveman would eat there.  I've never been but Marcus thinks we should try it out.  Of course, I'd love some Spicy Penne Charmaine from DePalma's with a glass of wine and an apple walnut salad, but hey...a side of beef with asparagus will be just as good I'm sure....ugh!  Oh well.  It will be fine.  I'll bring some trail mix because that will be much better than M&Ms or Skittles.  Regardless of what we eat, the company will be priceless, that's for sure.

Until tomorrow....

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Confessions

I have good news and I have bad news.  The good news is today is day 15 and I'm at the half way point.  The bad news is I cheated this weekend....twice.  I was lazy and didn't blog at all this weekend and last night I felt so guilty I couldn't blog.  So, on this beautiful Monday morning, I start anew. 

So, where to I begin?  Well, let's start with the victories.  On Friday night we met my family and my favorite local restaurant, 2Dog Cafe.  I had my usual skirt steak, accompanied by asparagus and acorn squash.  I watched the rest of my family enjoy a bottle of wine and a slice of the decadent chocolate cream pie (my favorite non-caveman dessert at 2Dog).  I resisted and stayed strong.  Our waitress, Jenny, who often waits on us asked if I was pregnant since I declined the wine.  Being pregnant is a much better story than being caveman.  So, much do my Dad's dismay, (as his response was "I WISH!"), I candidly explained that I was not pregnant, but taking part in a more limited diet.  Still craving something sweet when we got home, I made myself half of a smoothie.

Saturday morning started with Cross Fit.  I had a good workout, but my legs were toast afterwards.  Even so, I decided to try and run 10 miles.  I hadn't had a really long run in several weeks.  Hindsight, this was probably not a good idea.  I had only run once this week and again, hadn't run over 6 miles in several weeks.  To add to that, I for some reason, did not bring any gels or water for my 10 mile jaunt.  I guess psychologically the cold made me think I didn't need it.  So with quads still burning, I set out for 10 miles.  At 6.5, I was done.  I bonked.  No fuel.  No water.  Only a smoothie and orange in my system and I was freezing.  Done.  Unfortunately, my route was an out and back so I walked in the frigid temps almost 3 miles back to my car.  Not fun.  I am wind chapped. 

I had a nice afternoon that included a haircut and a mani/pedi.  We finished up the evening with Tracy and the family and Marcus's friend Stephen who all came to our house for burgers.  The dinner was paleo; however, the 2 blueberry beers I had were not.  I felt justified in my drinking because Tracy was drinking wine.  So, the alcohol was my first cheat of the weekend.  For a cheat, I thought it was well-contained in that it didn't lead to falling completely off the wagon.  So, I went to bed a little guilty, but not terribly so.

Sunday morning, I had a Lara bar and we headed to church.  Lucky for me, it was Skittles Sunday :)  Every year, Pastor Kevin does his financial sermon and uses Skittles in his illustration.  So, as to not be rude, he passes out Skittles for everyone.  Super.  I let the basket of Skittles pass before me as Marcus indulges in his share.  He's so considerate as usual.

After church we went to Waffle House for eggs and bacon.  Marcus had a waffle, but I was just fine with my protein.  After that we got ready to head to the Challenged Child 5K in Gainesville. It's a Peachtree Road Race Qualifier and Kristina asked me to go.  Marcus intended on getting a Kenyan qualifying time and I was going to see if I could keep up with my friend Kristy to get a good time.  It was beyond cold with the wind.  My legs were still super heavy from Cross Fit and my 10 mile attempt the day before.  Yuck.  But, I managed to stay with Kristy until the last 1000 meters in which I had nothing left.  Kristy averaged an 8:25/mile and I had an 8:29/mile.  Our goal at the start was to have an 8:45/mile so in our books we succeeded.  I finished in 26 something which made it a 5K PR for me.  Last night Kristy texted me and said we both finished 3rd in our age group!!  Whoop whoop! I must tell you that Marcus had an amazing time as well.  He finished in 21 something minutes.  He truly astonishes me.  He never runs and then he just comes out and kills it.  Clearly annoying.  Kristina did awesome as well.  This race we counted as her February 5K as her goal was to do 1 a month beginning in October.  So that makes her 5th 5K!! I'm so proud of her discipline and her determination to keep going.  It's so exciting to watch her progress.

After the race, with legs super tired, Marcus and I headed for Chicopee to finish up the day with some mountain biking.  That was probably the poorest decision all weekend.  I should've known that my legs were too spent to mountain bike.  It was horrible.  First, it was colder than cold.  The wind was brutal.  The face chapping continued.  The first sign of a bad ride was when I got passed by a trail runner, albeit a fast trail runner, but a runner nonetheless.  That was a great confidence boost as I'm trying my hardest to catch up to the rest of the group.  Then, as Marcus is riding behind me (which I hate, and he knows it) I tell him that I hate the sharp turn coming up.  Just after I get it out of my mouth I crash on the stupid turn and get all dirty.  I should've turned back then.  Nope, I kept going.  I felt terrible.  It was like I had never ridden a bike in my life.  My legs were killing me and felt extremely out of shape.  It's amazing.  Then it all became mental.  I started having mini-anxiety attacks every time I saw a hill or a root or a rock or a sharp turn I didn't think I could make.  It was awful.  I want to like this sport so much but it hates me.  I have no idea what I'm so worried about.  I'm only going 5-10 mph at the most and I'm 3 feet above the ground.  There's not much harm to be done, but I totally freak myself out.  It is them most stressful thing I do.  I'm in a ball of knots when I get out of the woods.  Luckily, Marcus didn't feel so hot either so about half way he asked if I wanted to take the shortcut and head back.  Thank God!! 

I got into a hot shower as soon as we got home to thaw out.  Since we started riding, Marcus had been talking about pizza and Chinese.  I thought I could resist but all I wanted right now was pizza.  So, I gave in.  We went to Napolis and I had a cheese calzone and it was fabulous!  I was beyond full with cheese and guilt when I left.  I went straight to bed.  I will tell you that I did not sleep well after that meal.  It was so heavy, I just couldn't.  So, there you go.  That's the total list of my indiscretions for the weekend.  I guess it could've been worse, but it was bad enough.  While I'm at it, I should go ahead and tell you that I will be cheating next Saturday.  We are having a girls slumber party in Rabun County and we are going to the chili cook-off in Highlands, NC.  I will eat clean until then, but I wanted to go ahead and put it out there.  Sorry to disappoint, but today, I'm back on it for the last half.

Until tomorrow...