Friday, March 8, 2013

Holding strong on the slippery slope

Day 19!!! Wow, this time is going a lot faster than last time.  Last time I felt the need to take 2 melatonin every night at 8:00 just so I would go to sleep and not put anything else in my mouth.  This time it feels more like a lifestyle.  Ok, let's be honest, I haven't been as hard core this time.  I've slipped (and continue to slip) several times.  But, in general, I still feel in control of my situation.

Last night, Dad and I went to the UGA v. KY basketball game in Athens.  It was a great night.  I left work early and came home and made a smoothie so I wouldn't be so hungry at dinner.  We went to Farm 255.  It was a hip (hippie) restaurant.  Lots of bizarre things on the menu.  We played it safe.  I had the butternut squash soup with chorizo with a winter citrus salad (with blood oranges!!!).  Dad stuck with the farm burger.  It looked pretty good.  Actually, the fries looked pretty good.  I'm not usually a fry kind of girl, but when you can't have fries, they look pretty yummy.  I cheated a bit.  Dad got a beer so I decided to indulge in a cider they had on draught.  Crisp, refreshing, and worth it.  I was surprisingly satisfied by my soup/salad/beer combo.  I had an emergency apple and paper towel (I'm a messy apple eater) buried in my purse in case I got hungry during the game, but I never got hungry.  It was nice.  The Dawgs won and it was an exciting game.  Both UGA and KY have young teams.  We had some good shooters and foul shots played into the win.  The crowd was energized and we got to see Coach Richt and Coach Dooley while they were enjoying the game.  It was a great night.

Today, I woke up late (well, I got home late) and didn't have time to make my smoothie.  Plus, we were out of bananas.  I settled for trail mix for the 3rd morning in a row.  I compensated with an apple with cashew butter and honey around 10:00.  I met Kara for lunch at Zaxby's (I really felt like testing myself) around 11:30.  I was late to that too.  I kind of cheated with a grilled chicken Caesar salad with buffalo sauce on the side.  However, I promptly removed the cheese and croutons (good girl).  It was actually very good.  Luckily, Kara had a salad too so I wasn't tempted by any fries or worse, Zax sauce - which I could drink.  It probably wasn't a good idea that I went out for lunch.  I got to enjoy the sun and warm temperatures.  I opened the sunroof and listened to country music on the way there and the way back.  I was in heaven.  I think I've had a bad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) so today's weather was just what the doctor ordered.  Unfortunately, when I returned to work, I was a little less than motivated.  Luckily, I have an awesome boss who let me take the afternoon off to enjoy the weather.  (Thank you Scott even though you're not on Facebook). 

After work, I got in a 4 mile run that was just lovely.  I enjoyed every minute.  I listened to my new Pandora workout station - Country Fitness, which by the way is just Country music.  Nonetheless, it made me smile, run faster, and feel proud to be an American - where at least I know I'm free.  After the run I went by to see my Nanny in her new digs.   Nanny loves DQ (Dairy Queen).  I stopped and got her a blizzard.  To make it through the drive through without losing it, I ate an apple and trail mix.  I clearly love Nanny a lot to put myself through the fire like this.  I barely made it out.

As if I was Jesus being tempted by Satan himself in the wilderness, Marcus sent me text to say we were meeting some people to eat at La Parrilla.  Good Lord!! Zaxby's, DQ, and now La Parrilla.  How much more of this could I take???  Cheese dip was calling my name!! Get thee behind me Satan!  I am proud to say that I sat at La Parrilla for over 2 hours and did not indulge in a single chip or a drop of cheese dip.  I had the skirt steak with Pinto beans (beans, so shoot me) and.......2 margaritas.  Ok, ok, the margaritas are definitely not Caveman approved; however, I'm sure if available they would have totally approved.  I'm sorry, it was margaritas or a non-stop fist to mouth cheese dip/chip fest.  I think I made the right decision.  I made it out. 

Tomorrow, as stated earlier this week, I will be cheating.  I'm getting together with the girls and there's just no way I'm not cheating.  It's a planned thing so I still feel in control.  I'm sure it will be super bad so I will not be sharing all of my cheats. I promise to share a few.  Maybe it will only involve the chili from the chili cook off.  Who knows? 

Until tomorrow....or maybe Sunday.....

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